Information on the condition of vineyards in Ukraine on July 5, 2021

Червень на більшості території виноградарської зони України відзначався теплою, зі значними опадами, погодою. Середньомісячні температури повітря становили 20–21 ºС. Максимальні температури повітря підвищувалися до 32–35 ºС, а мінімальні температури на початку місяця знижувались до 9–12 ºС тепла (у Запоріжжі – до +5 ºС). За даними спостережень на метеорологічному посту при ННЦ «ІВіВ ім. В.Є. Таїрова»,…

Information on the condition of vineyards of Ukraine on June 1, 2021 year

Unstable moderately cool weather with precipitation was maintained on the territory of the wine-growing zone of Ukraine during May. The average monthly air temperature was 14-15ºС. The maximum air temperatures increased to 28-29ºС, in Odesa to 25ºС, and the minimum ones decreased to 2-4ºС in heat, in Odesa – to + 6ºС. The sum of…

Information on the condition of vineyards of Ukraine on April 1, 2021 year

March in the wine-growing zone of Ukraine was marked by unstable weather with moderate precipitation in the form of rain and snow. The average monthly air temperature was 2-4ºС of heat. The minimum air temperatures decreased in Uzhhorod, Mykolayiv, and Kherson to -6…-9ºС, in Odesa to -3ºС, and in Zaporizhia to 13ºС of frost. Maximum…

Information on the condition of vineyards of Ukraine on March 1, 2021 year

February in the wine-growing zone of Ukraine was marked by unstable weather. Air temperatures ranged from the minimum -16…-18ºС (Mykolaiv, Kherson, Zaporizhia) and -11ºС (Uzhhorod, Odessa) to the maximum +14…+17ºС. On average, the air temperature in Uzhhorod and Odesa was about 1ºС of heat per month, in Mykolayiv, Zaporizhia and Kherson – about 1…3ºС of…

Information on the condition of vineyards of Ukraine on February 1, 2021 year

January in the wine-growing zone of Ukraine was characterized by unstable weather. The average monthly air temperatures were above the norm and were, in Uzhgorod, Odessa, about +1ºC of heat, Mykolayiv, Kherson about 0ºC, in Zaporizhia – -1ºC of frost. Against the general background of weakly positive and weakly negative air temperatures, a sharp decrease…

Information on the condition of vineyards of Ukraine on November 1, 2020 year

During October, the weather in the wine-growing zone of Ukraine was quite warm. The average monthly air temperature was 12-17ºС. Maximum air temperatures rose to 24-25ºС in the first decade of October, and minimums dropped to 2-6 degrees Celsius at the beginning of the third decade. The amount of precipitation in October was 39 mm…

Information on the condition of vineyards of Ukraine on October 1, 2021 year

During September, unfavorable agrometeorological conditions due to severe air and soil drought persisted in all wine-growing regions. Heavy rains in late September and early October occurred mainly in the western and central oblasts and did not solve the problem in the south and east. Thus, the high temperature regime in summer and the lack of…

(Українська) Довідка про стан виноградних насаджень України на 1 вересня 2020 року

Sorry, this entry is only available in Українська. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Серпень у виноградарський зоні України відзначався жаркою і переважно сухою погодою. Середньомісячні температури повітря становили 22,6–23,8° С, в Ужгороді – 21,7 °С…

(Українська) Довідка про стан виноградних насаджень України на 1 серпня 2020 року

Sorry, this entry is only available in Українська. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. На території виноградарської зони України впродовж липня спостерігалася жарка,  подекуди спекотна погода. Середньомісячна температура повітря становила 24 -25 °С. Максимальні температури повітря…